Posts by James F. McClister

Chicago’s 5 best neighborhoods for trick or treating

Halloween is less than two weeks away, and if you’re looking for a...

Real estate in 2025: 4 things to expect from the market of the future

The real estate market is subject to change, and over the next 10...

To combat discrimination, CFPB asks lenders to report more racial/ethnic data

Although updated HMDA rules requiring lenders to report additional racial and ethnic information will come...

Court rules CFPB “unconstitutionally structured”

A federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. ruled today the Consumer Financial Protection...

NAR: the 5 curb appeal-boosting projects buyers love most

Ninety-eight percent of Realtors believe buyers respond to curb appeal, a National Association...

Illinois properties find interest on Chinese listing portal

Illinois listings have made their way to China, and it’s helping drive buyer...

One simple way to help buyer clients save money in Chicago

The chief dilemma for the contemporary real estate agent is: how do I...

Crowdfunding expert David Wieland talks 1031 exchanges – “…30-40 percent return on their net equity in less than 180 days”

David Wieland is the founder and CEO of Realized, an online crowdfunding platform...

The digital marketing strategy agents can’t afford to ignore

For most buyers and sellers, contacting a real estate agent isn’t their first...

How do agents stay safe in 2016? 3 trends from NAR’s new report

September is Realtor safety month – an important month for real estate. As...

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