Whether business or personal, for every relationship to last, they each take work. Sometimes relationships end, and sometimes that’s not a bad thing if the relationship is toxic or not benefiting both parties. But even relationships that start out great require work to maintain, or eventually, they won’t stay all that great.
For this issue about the importance of maintaining professional relationships within the industry, Chicago Agent interviewed three agents and three people they worked with almost daily – two lenders and a homebuilder. One duo has been working together for decades. That’s dedication, and proof that you can work with someone for several years in this business and stay successful.
Agents who think that their relationships end once the home is sold and the keys are in the client’s hands are mistaken – chances are, even if you don’t continue to work with the other agent, lender or title company again right away, you could run into them later at industry events or other closing tables. You never know how relationships will start and how they can benefit you. You have to keep up the customer service not only with current, past and prospective clients, but also with other agents, lenders, builders – anyone you work with, really. You never know when you will get a referral or start a longtime affiliate relationship that leads to several referrals.
What strategies have worked for your relationships with affiliates? Tell me, or tell me what you thought of this cover story, by commenting online or sending me an email: stephanie@chicago.staging312.com.
1. Place several of your key vendors on My Service Partners list on the MLS
2. Recognize the relationships by recommending them on LinkedIn
3. Provide a testimonial letter for work well done
4. Introduce affiliates at neworking events and brokerage office meetings.