Maggie McMillin, Realtor

Main Street Real Estate Group

From the moment Maggie McMillin stepped into a career in real estate, it has exceeded her expectations. McMillin, an award-winning Realtor with Main Street Real Estate Group, assists buyers, sellers and renters in the city, from first-time to luxury.

“As cliche as it sounds, I would always watch HGTV when I was younger and get so excited to see the different architecture of each home,” McMillin recalls. “The process of buying a home was fascinating to me.”

A graduate of DePaul University, McMillin earned her real estate license 2 1/2 years ago while still in college. It was during the pandemic, and she had a lot of downtime. Soon after passing the exam, at age 20, she became the youngest broker at Main Street Real Estate Group. “I sold my first home within the first few months, along with many rentals,” she says. “I went on to do roughly 20 transactions my first year while being a full-time student. During that time, I was awarded the highest number of transactions at my firm in Quarter 3. Going into year two of my business, I was awarded the highest growth year over year at my company. In Quarter 1 of 2023, I ranked second in the company for highest number of transactions.”

During the past few years, she has worked hard to help her renters become first-time homebuyers and educate her sphere of influence on the importance of investing in real estate early in life, just like she has (McMillin recently purchased her first home).

She loves all aspects of selling real estate: socializing and meeting new people, problem-solving, marketing, being in a business-oriented setting that’s flexible and free-spirited, and helping clients make one of the largest purchases in their lives. She treats each client like they’re her only one, always keeps their best interests in mind and does whatever it takes to complete a successful transaction — a work ethic that has consistently earned her five-star reviews.

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