Chicago Agent Debbie Glickman Does it All (But Not Without Her Property Photographer)

by Chicago Agent

Debbie Glickman, a broker associate and Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE) for Baird & Warner Highland Park, is proud to be a lifelong North Shore resident. Along with her area expertise, she brings over 20 years of marketing and sales experience to her real estate career. A wife and mother of two teenagers, Debbie has also appeared on an episode of ABC’s top rated television show Shark Tank.

There’s nothing she can’t do! When it comes to her real estate career and selling homes faster, she attributes her success to her “Powerhouse Partners”, including her professional property photographer.

Debbie has worked with her VHT Studios real estate photographer, Steve, since the beginning of her real estate career, and he continues to be her go-to photographer. We sat down with Debbie to learn more about the positive impact Steve makes in her marketing and selling process.

Q: What’s your relationship like with your VHT Studios’ photographer?
A: When I first started working in real estate, Steve was referred to me by my former business partner. Steve is more than my go-to photographer; he’s my marketing partner. As soon as I get a new listing, I’m texting him so we can plan a photo shoot session right away. Professional property photographs are a number one priority when marketing and selling my listings.

When it comes to selling, Steve is the first step in the marketing and selling process. As a realtor, I only have one chance to make a first impression. If a prospective buyer glides over the listing photos online, I lose them fast. That’s why Steve’s role in helping me market and sell homes is so vital to my success.

Q: What are the benefits of partnering with a professional property photographer?
A: To start, having someone who brings experience in shooting exteriors and interiors of homes ensures my listing makes a great first impression. Partnering with a professional photographer like Steve helps me think like a potential buyer walking through the house for the very first time. He knows what shots are going to look the best and what type of listing photographs prospective home buyers gravitate towards during their search.

Today’s buyers are so savvy. By going online, they quickly go through listings and stop to look at the homes with the best photographs. It’s the photography that’s going to get them interested in the listing. Professional photography is crucial; buyers are so independent to just ‘look.’ It’s up to us to show prospective buyers the best views of the home’s potential.

Q: Do you believe hiring a professional property photographer saves time and money?
A: “YES! Having a partner in the process speeds up the selling process. Since I have such a great relationship with my photographer, I can depend on him, and I know Steve makes my listings a priority. Also, having someone to help validate my vision when it comes to the best shots to take also helps me move forward in the process quicker.

I genuinely care about my clients and want to provide them the best home buying experience possible. The real estate business is all about building relationships. My biggest strength is offering up my time to clients, whether it’s calling them back right away or texting back and forth.

When clients work with me, no question ever goes unanswered. Having help with the marketing and sales tasks, including real estate photography, gives me more time to focus on client communication. Ultimately, partnering with other professionals helps me focus on client happiness.

Q: Why do you love your job?
A: I love putting a deal together. It gives me such a feeling of accomplishment and joy, and it makes me very happy. My clients never fail to show their appreciation, which makes me so grateful. Buying a home is not an easy task; I love being there for my clients throughout the entire home buying process.


For more information about VHT Studios, visit VHTStudios.com/for-agents. Click here to learn more about Chicago agent, Debbie Glickman.

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  • Cynthia Horowitz says:

    Very nice article. Steve Feferman has been my photographer of choice for years as well. He does an excellent job.

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