
Lincoln Park Listings for Under $450k
Condo Deconversions are the new black.

Through the 1990s and up until the market crash in 2007, the development of condominiums was all the rage. In addition to new condo construction, many old apartment buildings were purchased and converted. But in the past couple of

0 to 120 – Racing Towards Success in Real Estate

0 to 120 – RACING TOWARDS SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE Thinking of becoming a Realtor? Let me share some pointers I picked up during my first 120 days in the business. This is not a comprehensive list detailing every

What to Look for in Your Real Estate Photography Partner

By Carrie McCormick, @Properties Rodgers and Hammerstein, Batman and Robin, Abbott and Costello. Whether in business, entertainment or life, everyone benefits from having a partner, an ally, someone who shares your beliefs and ambition and has your back, no

Is your real estate flip in need of a rescue? APPLY NOW to be on The Deed: Chicago.
4 Timeless Real Estate Strategies

For more real estate strategies, visit Sell My House Fast Houston Offer Climb and Sell My House Fast Phoenix Offer

An Exploration of Multi-units as an Investment Tool in Chicago

An Exploration of Multi-units as an Investment Tool in Chicago Written by Lawrence Dunning; Broker at Main Street Real Estate Group Every investment instrument needs to be examined by the old trading adage that I first learned in the

The Facts About Mechanics Liens

A contractor that doesn’t get paid for doing work on someone’s home or real estate property has a very useful method of enforcing his or her collection rights – the filing and prosecuting of a mechanics lien against that

The importance of social media presence for real estate agents

THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS Social media has grown significantly over the years, allowing companies to reach larger audiences, thus becoming extremely valuable for businesses. Today consumers expect businesses they work with to engage

Are you marketing your real estate business effectively?

ARE YOU MARKETING YOUR REAL ESTATE BUSINESS EFFECTIVELY? Many real estate agents today invest a lot of time and money on leads from popular real estate search websites such as, Zillow and Trulia but don’t realize how much

Are you getting quality leads from your open houses? You should be.

Learn how to grow your business through lead-generating open houses. Are you one of those agents who never hold open houses? Perhaps you prefer to spend weekends out with new clients, or maybe you figured out long ago that

Association Disclosures Under Section 22.1 of the Illinois Condominium Property Act

The focus of this article is to provide a brief overview on the disclosures provided in Illinois by a condominium association to a prospective buyer of a unit and: (a) what is mandated by law; (b) what current practice

The Marquis on Maple: 55 New Construction Luxury Condominiums
4 effective tactics to manage expectations with your sellers

  Managing seller expectations is part and parcel to being a real estate agent, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Communication is key to forging lasting relationships between real estate agents and their clients. Solid communication helps avoid misunderstandings

The New Faces of Main Street Real Estate Group

We are proud to announce our newest aspiring real estate agents at Main Street Real Estate Group! Our mission as a real estate company is to ensure clients will have the best possible real estate experience when working with


Photography over the years has evolved tremendously,  becoming an entirely digital platform with the most refined photo technology and capabilities. The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” stands true in a big way in the real estate

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