
Are You Using Facebook Page Tabs to Their Full Potential?

Have you done your monthly Facebook page tab check-up yet? What, you don’t check your Facebook page tabs? First, for those thinking, “what is a ‘Facebook tab,’” let me take a step back. Facebook page tabs are the images

3 Social Media Trends For 2014

Social media is an ever-evolving organism; how will it develop in the coming year? The numbers on social media are well known: 56 percent of consumers use some kind of social media; more than a billion people use Facebook,

3 Critical Insights to Help Guide Your Facebook Strategy

What are two of the most important components of any business endeavor? Strategic planning and measurement. Every day the number of businesses using Facebook is growing, yet 60 percent of businesses admit to shooting from the hip in their

Tech Review: Bomb Bomb Video Email

What is It? Bomb Bomb breaks the mold for real estate email providers by integrating video into your email campaigns and correspondence. Its beautiful backend UI is straightforward and intelligently laid out in a manner that will have you

Start Using These Four Apps NOW for Better Business in 2014

You probably know that winter is not the season for heavy real estate activity. According to the National Association of Realtors, inventory in winter is traditionally lower than summer, which means you’re probably in for a lull in business

Which Social Networks are Best for Real Estate Marketing?

Social media is a great marketing tool for almost any kind of business; however, you need to be strategic about the platforms you choose to use. Certain social media networks work better for specific industries. For example, Pinterest is great

92% of Buyers Use the Internet & Other Important Home-Search Facts

News flash! The Internet is as important as ever when it comes to the home search process. Here’s an eye-popping stat for you: this year, 92 percent of homebuyers have used the Internet at some point in their home

Tech Review: GoToMeeting

What is It? GoToMeeting is the long reigning king of online collaboration and presentation tools. With integrated phone numbers/VOIP (ability to call in via your computer), killer mobile integration and their new HD Faces video product, GoToMeeting continues their

What Does the Twitter IPO Mean for You?

On Wednesday, Nov. 6, Twitter announced, via Twitter of course, their IPO price of $26 a share. What does this mean for you? Well, unless you are trying to make an investment decision, you may think it has no

The 7 Essential Technologies For Luxury Homebuyers

Luxury homes are often fitted with nifty technological features, but which ones do affluent consumers most care about? Technology has become an important part of the home search process for many American consumers, and luxury homebuyers are no exception.

4 Mobile Apps You Need to Win Today’s Tech Savvy Real Estate Clients

You just received an introductory email from a prospective new client, referred to you by a friend whom you just helped buy a first home. Actually, it could also be either an intro text message or an invite to

Find Out If Your House Is Haunted With

A new website,, allows you to type in an address from anywhere in the country, and it will inform you if anybody has died in that home. While watching some scary movies in honor of Halloween, some of

3 Important Details About Google’s New Search Algorithm

Google celebrated its 15th anniversary with a new update, called “Hummingbird,” to its search engine algorithm; how could it impact your business? In commemoration of its 15th birthday, Google recently announced a new update to its famed search engine

Tech Review: Keeping Current Matters

What is It? Keeping Current Matters, or KCM, is a subscription based service that provides agents, brokers and lenders with monthly updated national real estate market statistics. These infographics, charts and reference materials, are an amazingly powerful tool for

5 Steps to Reclaim Time Wasted on Social Media

In a study by the Altimeter Group, only 34 percent of businesses feel their social strategy is connected to business outcomes. That results in what I refer to as unsuccessful random acts of social media marketing. The time you

Instashare your Homes and Communities on Instagram

Any good real estate agent or home builder knows that high quality photos can make or break a home sale. Luckily for you, one of the most popular social media tools out there today, Instagram, thrives on the sharing

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