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The new year is just around the corner, and signs of the real estate recovery are evident in nearly every sector of the housing market: housing prices, which bottomed in early 2012, have been showing continued growth; housing inventory
The holidays are a festive time – family gatherings, celebrating the end of another year, and a time to reflect and appreciate all that we have. Many homes continue to be on the market throughout the holiday season, and
“The only way to know how customers see your business is to look at it through their eyes.” Daniel Scoggin Consider this question: how well do you know your customers? I mean, really know them? Take your time, because
Most doctors firmly believe that certain types of regular screening tests and checkups are essential and help save lives. And most of us, no matter how much we despise devoting an hour or more to getting poked and prodded,
By Christine Groves Whether you are a new agent or a seasoned agent, there are some key items to building and sustaining your business. We must always keep learning and developing in order to succeed – and making sure
By Christine Groves As we know, a home inspection is a voluntary process, but as agents, it is our fiduciary responsibility to strongly recommend them to our buyer clients and prepare our seller clients for the inevitable. With that
By Delfin Joaquin Paris III I was watching the news a few weeks ago and saw a segment about how mortgage rates are near historic lows. I was aware that rates have been dropping all year, but hadn’t yet
By Laura Stukel Whether you represent the homebuyer or a seller, we all know to save the celebrating for after the home inspection. Inspections can be especially tricky in today’s market because most sellers are getting less out of
You visit a homeowner who wants to sell, but the house is drafty. Maybe it has an older furnace, poor insulation or both. Or, your client is about to purchase an older home. You suggest upgrades to make the
By Bob Corcoran This article is about turning yourself into an alarm clock. “Okay Bob,” you might be thinking, “you’ve finally lost your last marble. What are you talking about? Alarm clocks?
One of the most neglected, and yet, most important part of a successful short sale is getting both buyer and seller on the same page. This may stem from the traditional way of thinking on a traditional “retail” sale:
By Bubba Mills In today’s real estate market, if you know what you’re doing in the real estate owned (REO) arena, times can be better than good, even excellent – and definitely
By Deborah Sweeney You’ve logged the hours, sat in class or on your computer for however long your particular state has deemed necessary to become a licensed Realtor, and done the required work. You’ve attained a license and have
By Valerie Byrd Unfortunately, in our current economy, many have become jaded about what used to be enthusiastically called “the American Dream.” Until recently, it was just assumed that homeownership was a life goal that all Americans should strive
By Bob Corcoran Every day all across the country, many real estate agents are dying a slow death. What’s worse, they’re sticking the stake through their own hearts one millimeter at a time. A long, slow, painful death. And
By Arthur Wylie Whether in your business or personal life, making deals – from the biggest ones that take months to finalize and involve teams of lawyers, to the nominal ones that are sealed with a handshake after a