MCZ Development Launches MCZUrban
MCZ Development Corporation, a real estate development company with a $1.6 billion portfolio, has announced the launch of a new division, MCZUrban.
Christina Noelle, who has been with MCZ for over a decade, will head up the division as president. MCZUrban plans on creating neighborhoods with green spaces, modern amenities, ingenuity and pragmatic aesthetics. The division will continue to build and/or renovate affordable luxury product in urban cores, while ensuring the right mix of residences, retail components, services and design elements are integrated to create dynamic enclaves.
Noelle is responsible for communities like No. Ten Lofts, 616 W. Fulton and Clinton Street Lofts in Chicago and Western Auto Lofts in Kansas City, Mo.
The MCZUrban projects are traditionally Industrial Revolution era buildings converted into loft living spaces. The lofts blend the raw materials and exposed mechanical features of a typical loft space with softer edges that make the spaces feel like home, such as well appointed kitchens and private bathrooms.
Noelle is writing her first book, “Urban Loft: How Chicago Redefined the Architecture,” due out this fall as a retrospective look back at Chicago’s influence on the open living space.