The other day while I was coming to work I received a somewhat frantic text from my wife. Our computer’s wireless keyboard was not working properly, and she needed help fixing it ASAP. Keep in mind that my wife is very bright – a lawyer with a master’s degree in education – and she is not afraid of technology. However, she was stumped about how to fix this rather simple device (it ended up having to do with batteries and a not easily found button).
The incident drove home to me how reliant we are on technology today, and what problems technology can cause when it gets the better of us. This week’s cover package is devoted to helping you get better and stay better by keeping you up to date on what experts say is the most crucial real estate technology for your business, as well as what to do when technology turns the tables on you, like when your email is hacked. Technology is only going to get more important in real estate, but no one can know everything about every new advancement, so staying up to date and understanding what innovations will have the most beneficial impact on your business is essential.