Managing brokers obviously want to recruit top agents to be on their team. Here are some quick tips on how to effectively recruit experienced agents:
1. Figure out your value proposition – Recruitment strategies are necessary, and here’s why: agents need to understand the value in joining one company over another. They need to know an office’s value proposition. About 90 percent of brokers have no idea what their value proposition is – even though it is the most important element in their recruitment arsenal. The value proposition is not an office’s tools, for example. However, tools determine the value of their value proposition.
A good way for managing brokers to identify their value propositions is to have them think of 12 to 20 of their most powerful tools and the results that each tool produces. These should be things that the company is doing better than the competition – not things like the office location or a great team. These tools should all have differentiators that make it visible to agents that an office is better in certain aspects; if one powerful tool is a training program, what kind of results do the agents get from that? If another powerful tool is lead generation from the office, how many leads year to date are given out per agent? What is the conversion rate? Details of each value proposition will show value to other agents, and the value should be better than the competition.
2. Utilize social media – Social media is one of those platforms that, when used correctly, can leverage business. With Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, it’s even easier to build relationships and stay in touch digitally with prospective recruits. It’s also much easier to ask for referrals through social media. Social media is not going away, and agents do look at social media presences of offices and managing brokers when considering a change. For those who embrace it, it’s an additional marketing tool – company social media pages can help to market the brokerage, boast client testimonials, show sales figures and much more.
3. Recruit through the mail – Even though it’s easy to market digitally and send mass emails and Facebook messages to potential recruits, it is also easy to not open an email or ignore a Facebook message. However, now that practically everything is digital today, recruiting methods that border on “old school” are often noticed even more. That being said, mailers and postcards can get agents’ attention.
4. Recruit consistently all year long – The brokers who set apart a little bit of time every day for recruiting activities are going to see the best long-term results. Managing brokers who can’t or don’t want to make recruiting part of their daily routine should hire a full-time recruiter to keep the message of what the company brings to the table out there to the best agents in the market. In any market, some companies expand and improve, and others remain stagnant. Constant recruitment and reminders of the company’s value propositions help keep it successful.