The 2020 Truth About Agents

by Chicago Agent

Who are the readers of Chicago Agent magazine? While we know each of you brings a unique mix of past experiences and skills to the table, we like to check in once a year to offer a group snapshot of where we are compared to years previous and where brokers see the market moving in the near future.

That’s what our annual Truth About Agents issue is all about. It gives us an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our audience and highlight the on-the-ground experience of our readers. And of course, we can’t do this without you. Thank you to everyone who took this year’s survey.

On the following pages, you’ll find demographic data, but also what amounts to a finger on the pulse of the local market. How much are your peers earning, and how much do they spend on expenses such as business marketing? What do agents really think of their current brokerages, and what motivates them to look elsewhere? Where are the true gaps of knowledge, and how are real estate training programs doing at filling those holes?

Continuing a new section of the survey we started last year, we again asked a series of questions about teams, resulting in some interesting data on their sizes, structure and more. We hope you enjoy this year’s look at the truth about agents, and if you have any ideas for questions that should be on next year’s survey, email us at editor@chicagoagentpublishing.com.

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