Suzy Marcus, Broker

Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty

With a design business that started with fabricating custom window treatments 28 years ago, Suzy Marcus also began a staging company nine years ago before adding real estate agent to her resume a year later. Her goal was to update spaces to make them more comfortable until her mother, a successful real estate agent for 30 years, invited Marcus to join her business. “The natural progression was to buy and sell the properties I was designing for clients, but my mom was actually the driving force to add another line to my business,” she admits. “Now I professionally consult a client on how to get their home ready for market, help them sell it and then design the new home they purchase. ‘Stage, sell, design’ is my mantra.”

A broker with Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty, Marcus is known to be hard working and detail oriented, offering custom staging services with all of her listings. Raised in Burr Ridge and currently residing in Hinsdale, she assists clients from luxury to seasoned homebuyers throughout Hinsdale, Burr Ridge, Oak Brook and surrounding areas. “My design and staging knowledge are superior, and people are always amazed at how I can transform their spaces,” she points out. “I’m also a numbers person with a finance degree so I am always scouring sales and sold prices for comparison. My biggest compliment is when a seller says their home looks so good, they might be convinced to stay.”

Making up the other half of their team, Marcus’ mother recently retired, leaving her holding the reins with extensive experience, knowledge and tenacity. “There are a lot of ups and downs in this business,” she shares. “One needs to learn how to glean information from the downs and keep going for the ups.” She also recently obtained her license in Michigan to help returning clients sell a unique, 600-acre property in that state.

Currently planning a wedding shower and ceremony for her oldest son, Marcus enjoys playing mahjong, traveling, and designing and setting up dorm rooms and apartments for her kids, who all live out of state.

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