Ryan Cotter, Vice President of Renovation Lending

New American Funding

Ryan Cotter is a seasoned renovation lender with over 40 years of experience in the industry. A graduate of Iowa State University, Cotter has been involved in construction and property development since he was 10 years old, having been introduced to the field through his family’s involvement in the construction trades. Over the years, he has developed a deep expertise in multifamily property renovations and new construction, focusing on transforming properties in underserved communities.

Cotter’s professional journey is marked by his innovative approach to real estate financing, particularly through his creation of a plan called “4-3-2-1 steps to financial freedom.” This strategy advocates starting with a four-unit property and progressively moving to smaller properties, utilizing low down-payment programs to minimize initial investment and maximize returns. His approach not only simplifies the property acquisition and renovation process but also aims to educate and empower others to achieve financial independence through real estate investment.

Currently, Cotter is working with New American Funding, aiming to make it the No. 1 renovation lender in the country. He is deeply involved in promoting renovation loans, especially in markets like Chicago’s South and West Sides, where he believes there is untapped potential.

Outside of his professional life, Cotter is dedicated to his family, including his three young boys. He is also actively involved in charitable activities, notably through the Chicago Real Estate Rumble, an event he founded that raises funds for at-risk youth and children with Down syndrome by featuring real estate professionals in boxing matches.

Cotter’s commitment to community development and financial education, combined with his hands-on experience in real estate development and his philanthropic efforts, make him a distinguished figure in the real estate and lending industries.

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