Jeff Baker, Producing Branch Manager

CrossCountry Mortgage


For Jeff Baker, real estate isn’t just a profession—it’s a way of life. “I love real estate and believe it’s one of the key tools to building wealth and financial independence,” he says. His family’s dedication to real estate investment ignited his own passion for the industry. “I practice what I preach,” he adds, highlighting his commitment to sharing his philosophy with clients from all walks of life.

In a tumultuous market landscape, Baker and his team at CrossCountry Mortgage have weathered the storm with resilience and innovation. The last 18 months have challenged the industry, he admits. But instead of succumbing to adversity, his team has embraced it as an opportunity for growth. By redefining their approach and focusing on unique mortgage products tailored to diverse needs, they have not only survived, but thrived.

Baker says his most important skill is listening. “Listening is key,” he says. “With more than 20 years of experience, it’s easy to think we understand what’s best for a situation based on what we already know. But there is always room to learn and grow. Being a good communicator is not necessarily about what you say, it is about what you hear.”

As a former athlete, Baker understands the power of teamwork and thrives on competition. Yet he also recognizes that true victory lies in collective effort. Leading a team of 15 loan officers, he fosters a culture of collaboration and growth, where client satisfaction is paramount. He notes that the majority of his mortgage clients come from past client referrals.

In the world of mortgage lending throughout Chicagoland, Jeff Baker is a luminary. With his unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation, and his team’s dedication to client satisfaction, he continues to redefine what it means to succeed in the real estate industry. “My passion for real estate is what brought me to the mortgage industry in the first place,” he says.

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