Emma Alhalel, Broker

Cross Street Real Estate


Real estate flows through Emma Alhalel’s veins. From growing up in a household where dinner table discussions focused on real estate to forging her own path in the industry, Alhalel has had a journey that’s been a fusion of family legacy and her own personal passion.

With three years under her belt, she has put down roots in the Chicago area that run deep, with the city and its suburbs always providing her with a home base. But her connection to real estate isn’t merely geographic. “My mom has been a real estate attorney for more than 35 years,” she says. “Real estate was always a topic of conversation in our household.” Surrounded by experts in the field from a young age, Alhalel gained insights into the business growing up.

Before finding her stride in real estate, she worked at other jobs, including for Uber selling its software to restaurants. That experience, though challenging, proved invaluable. “It involved a lot of cold-calling, being told no and finding creative ways to overcome pushback from business owners,” she recalls. “It taught me so much about resilience, the importance of trust with clients and true tenacity.”

At the heart of Alhalel’s success lies a client-centric philosophy. Recognizing that every individual’s needs are unique, she strives to provide transparent and personalized guidance. She also excels in building industry relationships with fellow agents, contractors and lenders. “Building relationships in the industry so that my clients have the strongest team of people for their transactions is something I take very seriously,” she says.

Alhalel’s company exclusively manages the leasing for thousands of rentals throughout Chicagoland. “Because of this,” she points out, “I can view a transaction from the perspective of an investor, developer or homeowner.” Her success isn’t just about the sale, she adds. “For me, it’s not as much my experience as it is my approach to the job. I am diligent when it comes to the details.”

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