Leticia Andrade (Related Realty) -
Dominiece Jacksal and Kelly Bandman (Habitat for Humanity Chicago) -
Patrick Ryan and Gary Richter (Related Realty) -
Patrick Ryan (Related Realty) -
Liz Avants (Habitat for Humanity Chicago) -
Amit Bist, Brent Boyens and Syed Ahmed (DocuSign) -
Brent Boyens (DocuSign) -
Adam Kozmic and Brett Martensen (DocuSign) -
Caroline Pinal (Giveback Homes) Ann Bell (DocuSign) and Gary Richter (Related Realty) -
Patrick Ryan (Related Realty) -
Patrick Ryan and Gary Richter (Related Realty) -
Alyse Polansky and Jen Niemiec (Related Realty) -
Alyse Polansky, Jen Niemiec and Gary Richter (Related Realty) -
Mack Alsaidi, Maria Thanasouras, Abbie Allardt, Jenni Niemiec, Patrick Ryan, Gary Richter, Alyse Polansky and Jessica McLean (Related Realty) -
Jessica McLean (Related Realty) and Alyse Polansky (Related Realty) -
Nick Macellaio (DocuSign) -
Noe Garcia, Nick Macellaio (DocuSign) and Laxman Rapolu (DocuSign). -
Cory Liebgott (DocuSign) and Ann Bell (DocuSign) -
Patrick Ryan (Related Realty), Laxman Rapolu (DocuSign), Shipi Shima, Maria Thanasouras (Related Realty) and Leticia Andrade (Related Realty) -
Patrick Ryan (Related Realty), Laxman Rapolu (DocuSign) and Shipi Shima -
Laxman Rapolu (DocuSign), Shipi Shima, Maria Thanasouras (Related Realty), Anjali Pilguirar, Natalie Reece, Cory Liebgott (DocuSign) and Ann Bell (DocuSign)
On Friday, Aug. 26, volunteers from Related Reality, Giveback Homes and DocuSign all gathered at 11939 S. Union Ave in Chicago for Build Day. The volunteers teamed up with future homeowners and worked on construction related task. Their goal is to ultimately finish 16 single-family homes in the 34th ward.