Lauren Langgut and Ashley Cox -
Kathleen Padilla and Ryan DAprile -
Tony Butterworth and Andrew Derby -
Adriana Sidel and Barry Sidel -
Mike Mackin, Jaid Ritter, Christine Hutton, Mitch Hutton and Grisell Perez -
Bea Morrow and Kathleen Padilla -
Dana Bernadine and Mollie Roberts -
Vasili Economopoulos, Cory Ramey and Bill Warmouth -
Sara Koehler and Mark Koehler -
Ryan Casper and Marsha Lowe -
Ryan Casper -
Brad Feinstein -
Kim Blaze Joseph, Anne Monckton and Grisell Perez -
Christine Hutton -
Nick Thomas and Julie Williams -
Lindsay Miller and Ashley Cox -
Lindsay Miller, Ryan DAprile and Ashley Cox -
Anne Monckton and Anne Mekel Hodge -
Eric Coakley and Ashlei Pearson -
Jordan Heneyhan and Archie Velter -
Grisell Perez, Rachael Mann and Kathleen Padilla -
Kathleen Padilla and Erik Vitak -
Lindsay DAprile, Phillip Hodge and Anne Monckton -
Ravi Jadia and Masumi Amin -
Krystal Pinlac and Chris Greco -
d’aprile Properties and Midwest Lending’s hosted its annual Award Ceremony and Holiday Party on Jan. 17, 2015. The event recognized the company’s top producing agents.