Jenny Sepulveda
Luxe Marketing and Sales
Happiness comes when you believe in what you are doing, know what you are doing and love what you are doing.
The Facts
How many years have you been a managing broker? 5
How many years have you been in real estate? 10
How many full-time agents are in your office? 10
The Details
Does your office have any specialties? Our office specialty is that we are truly a one-stop shop under one roof. We are a small boutique office with all the resources of large companies. Our new approach combined with a century-old name and reputation is what sets us apart.
What kind of marketing assistance do you provide? We have an office manager and a marketing department.
Do you hold regular meetings? We have our sales meetings once a month and they are mandatory.
Do you hold regular meetings? Yes, twice a month. Attendance is strongly encouraged, but not mandatory.
What kind of training do you provide? We have training once a week with various different trainers in specific real estate categories.
What support does your executive leadership provide? Our executive leadership is available for our agents 24/7
About You — Jenny Sepulveda
What makes you different than any other managing broker? I have always had a passion for helping others, so it comes easy for me to care about every one of them and their success. We work as a team in our office. I provide them with support, coaching, guidance, motivation and nurturing, and inspire them to reach their personal goals. I can also empathize with the agents because I have sold real estate in the past and know exactly what they go through day in and day out.
What is your favorite part about being a managing broker? My favorite part of being a managing broker is motivating and guiding my agents and seeing them succeed.
Why do you love real estate? I love real estate because I think it’s a profession where what you put in is what you get. It’s one profession where you decide how much you make and you give yourself a raise year after year. It’s also an amazing feeling to assist your clients in the purchase of one of the biggest items in their life. You help others achieve their goals while you achieve yours, and that’s priceless.