Chuck Goro
Vice President/Managing Broker
Coldwell Banker Lincoln Park Plaza
Always do the right thing.
— General Schwarzkopf

FRONT L to R: David Vandenack, Kayeecha McMurtry, Nereida Diaz, LaRaine Richards, Rebecca Cornish and Kaitlyn Kearns; BACK L to R: Marina Reyes, Jennifer Schelberger, Anthony Pozdol, Jean Casper and Brandi Claussen (Not Pictured: Allison Tillery and Liam Murphy)
The Facts
How many years have you been a managing broker? 30
How many years have you been in real estate? 32
How many full time agents are in your office? Over 200
The Details
Does your office have any specialties? We sell throughout Chicago in both residential and commercial.
What kind of marketing assistance do you provide? We pride ourselves in quality service support to our agents through the use of graphic designers, contract management, high-end technology and on-site performance. We are in the process of adding a secure, web-based transaction management platform so that agents, buyers, sellers, attorneys and others can work on the closing process online. The culture of our office is to maintain a superior level of support for our agent population so that they can give superior support and guidance to their clients.
What do you expect of your agents? Our office has a sales standard of $3 million per year. We do not have part-time agents.
Do you hold regular meetings? We have office meetings every other Thursday at 11:30 a.m., preceded by lunch.
What kind of training do you provide? We have a thorough educational system for the agents in the office for both real estate and technology. We have a digital strategist, Rich Rogala, to assist our agents in the best use of online marketing and business plans. We have a technology specialist, Barbara Kleban, to assist agents in building their own brand and strengthening their online presence, especially in SEO and social media.
About You — Chuck Goro
What makes you different than any other managing broker? I am an agent-centric manager, I believe that the agents’ sphere of influence will create our present and future business. I support the agent to assist their clients and constantly update our services so that our client support remains an industry best.
What was your history before being a managing broker? I was a national sales manager in the house-wares industry for a glassware company.
What do you like most about the neighborhood where you work? I love the neighborhood that the office is located in as it is where I grew up. I am an alumni of St. Clement’s grammar school and DePaul Academy. At the academy, I lettered in football and basketball and then went on to SIU where I lettered in football and track and graduated in 1970. I have seen a wonderful transformation in the city of Chicago and expect that it will remain the greatest city in the world.