
Explaining Your Value Proposition in a Changing World

Recently spotted in the wild was a sign that read, “Real Books Priced Lower Than E-Books,” photographed at The Strand bookstore in New York City, a popular hotspot for locals and tourists alike. With strong competition from digital books,

Tech Review: FiveStreet

What is it? Five Street aggregates, distributes and immediately gratifies online leads from all major syndication platforms and other generation services. By incorporating automated follow up, customized routing options to others on your team, (or referral sources), and basic

What Does Offer?

What does offer agents for their real estate business? Click on our graphic below to find

Should You Invest in Zillow?

Should you invest in Zillow? Take a look at our graphic below to find

How Does Trulia Compare?

How does Trulia compare to its two chief rivals, Zillow and Click on our graphic below to find

User Content Up 236 Percent on Zillow Digs Color Searches

According to Zillow, its home improvement app, Zillow Digs, has seen a dramatic increase in user engagement, and in five months since its launch, nearly 50,000 photos have been added by users, representing a 236 percent growth. On the

What Every Agent Needs to Understand About Technology

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke  I’ve never claimed to be a guru when it comes to technology, but I will say this: you’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone who is more of a New Brand, New Logo, New Feel

In a complete overhaul of one of the largest real estate search sites in the nation, has not only rolled out a new website, but also a new logo, tagline and color scheme. With the rebranding of,

4 Important Tech Etiquette Tips for the Office

In an office environment where everyone is using technology, there are definitely some rules of the road you should be following. We risk summoning Captain Obvious with this statement, but it’s worth making nonetheless: technology is pretty much ubiquitous

Tech Review: Contactually

What is it?  Contactually, ( is one of the most useful platforms for prospecting and follow up, combining CRM, email and reminders into a super sexy and integrated tool.  Where it won’t replace your current email or client relationship

3 Crucial Steps to Using Twitter for Your Real Estate Business

Twitter is an integral part of Chicago’s real estate market, but how can you harness it for your business? Alyssa Mattero shares three essential steps. A basic search on Twitter reveals that the Chicago real estate industry has a

Social Media 3.0 Helps Agents and Builders Rev Up Their Social Media

From Facebook and Twitter to Pinterest and Houzz, today’s social media universe is rapidly changing and expanding. And for real estate agents and home builders, it can be hard to keep up. However, mRELEVANCE managing partner Carol Morgan’s new

How to Win New Business With Social Media

You’ve heard the old saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Well folks, guess what? You’re in Rome and the Romans are using social media. And if you’re not using it, you’ll need to leave Rome –

What Online Resources Do Most Homebuyers Use?

The Internet is vast and the options for homebuyers are plenty, but certain sites command greater attention from buyers – regardless of age. We all know that 90 percent of homebuyers consult the Internet as some point in their

Should Agents Use Instagram Photo Filtering with Their Listings?

Instagram represents a great opportunity for agents to market their listings, but should they only use the app to a certain extent? Instagram is a wonderfully intuitive, wonderfully popular social network, and one that offers real estate agents a

The Best in Tech for Real Estate

The saying “there’s an app for that” is very true – there’s an app for just about anything. We asked seven top real estate professionals and consultants who are at the top of their game in tech for their

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