Cheryl Colanto and Adam Coolidge -
Gary Durish and Adam Coolidge -
John Mini, Rebecca De Falco and Doug Finnegan -
Matthew Brown and Joyce Zelazik -
Matthew Brown and Matt Gingrich -
Nicole Lawler, Chris Naatz, Rebecca De Falco, Lisa Kline, Nancy Hoehn, Paul Ivers, Kurt Carroll, Emily Johnson, Natalie Petrushkevich, Adam Coolidge, Mike Hetfleish, Keith Blais and Gary Cheney
On Wednesday, June 25, D.R. Horton’s Chicago Division celebrated the grand opening of two model homes at Bristol Park in New Lenox, Illinois. Bristol Park is the company’s newest development and will include 140 single-family homes and three innovative floor plans. At the event, guests toured the model homes and viewed the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Nice article. Glad to see my Navy shipmate Paul Ivers doing so well. Does he have an email at Drh?