Michael Scavo, Real Estate Broker & Team Lead

Michael Scavo Group, COMPASS

It was eight years ago when, as a freshman at DePaul University, Michael Scavo fell in love with real estate. He entered the industry at 18 as a leasing agent and quickly worked his way up, becoming a broker at 21 and a managing broker who founded his own brokerage at 23. Today he leads the 20-member Michael Scavo Group at COMPASS, specializing in luxury apartment rentals and sales downtown. He’s just as excited about the industry now as he was at 18.

“Managing a team as large as mine while providing my clients with only the best service requires a deep passion for this industry,” Scavo says. “And that’s ultimately what sets me apart from other agents.”

It’s not only his passion that makes Scavo stand out. He is also among the first real estate agents in Chicago to use TikTok and Instagram Reels to showcase their services. Scavo’s early adoption of social media has paid off, with more than 145,000 followers and tens of millions of views across both platforms. Now most of his clients come from social media.

His Gen Z team follows his lead. “To be on my team means to be on social media, so all of my agents are just as active across TikTok and Instagram as I am,” Scavo explains. “Whether or not you’re in the market, pretty much anyone you ask has seen our videos and knows who we are.”

Though he is easily recognized for his marketing methods, Scavo is equally well known for his expertise in finding just the right fit for his clients, even with more than 300 luxury buildings from which to choose. “My goal is to take the stress out of looking for an apartment and make it an enjoyable experience for my clients,” he shares. “Luxury rentals remain my main focus, and I have no plans to ever change that, which allows me to continuously grow and perfect my craft.”

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