Thinking of becoming a Realtor? Let me share some pointers I picked up during my first 120 days in the business. This is not a comprehensive list detailing every step but a general guide that will hopefully help others find their way.
Expect to spend money getting this new venture going. Between classes, fees and licensing it will be around $2000, but think of it as an investment in yourself and your business. Not many other businesses that have endless earning potential can be started for this small of an investment.
Take ownership of your business, at the end of the day you are your own business owner. Act like it!
Lean on the support of your brokerage when you hit road blocks. Use the support provided; training, documentation, forms and templates. Again, do coaching sessions, if your brokerage isn’t available to coach you there are options through C.A.R., N.A.R., MRED. Honestly though, if they don’t provide real coaching, find one that will take an active role in your success. Build a brand, spread the word. Use your network of friends and family to make people aware that you are a Realtor now.
SHOW UP – Be consistent and present. One of the best parts of real estate is a flexible schedule but don’t forget to schedule your business. This is a large part of building a brand. Going into the office, posting on social media, attending realtor events. This will not only let potential clients know you are here to help them, but also colleagues will take notice. Half of my business has come from other agents in my office asking me for help when they are busy, offering referrals and letting me sit their open houses. In the beginning you will have free time, make sure you use it wisely! Prospect, take leads others won’t, cover showings when asked, etc.
Be organized – From the start, create processes and procedures. Recognize tasks you do over and over, and automate them if possible. Make sure clients and files are organized and complete. This will save time and make you more profitable in the future. Learn how to use the provided technology, whether it is a digital signature program, a CRM or a transaction management system to keep track of clients and their files.
Before everything I have outlined above; your first and largest decision will be to find the right brokerage! Make sure they will help with your development through training/coaching and offering marketing support. Interview at a few different places, from small team to a large office. Make sure you have someone to take your call on a Friday night or early on a Saturday Morning, not just Monday – Friday business hours. You need someone to be there when you have questions. Take your time finding the right fit.
If you are interested in working with Main Street Real Estate Group, please contact me. I would be happy to share my experience.
Written By:
Johnny Rodogiannis