What is the true value of a top producer?

by Jason Porterfield

The lifeblood of a top producer’s business

When it comes to clients, top producers all have one very simple thing in common: they consistently get lots of them.

While there are plenty of agents who are motivated by volume and dollar amounts alone, being a top producer also means providing the kind of service that motivates clients and colleagues to make a referral.

Over his 34 years in the industry, Montro has made a name for himself by providing high-quality, affordable units in struggling areas, a practice that he sees as helping to revitalize neighborhoods and bring tax revenue and income back into emerging Chicagoland markets such as Englewood.

“Some of the top producers are just there for the equity,” Montro says “To me, a top producer is someone who has the production numbers, but also someone who makes an impact that puts a dent into this world. It’s about more than just money. It’s about changing the world.”

Sachs Wong’s strengths have been her knowledge of Lincoln Park and her team of nine agents and three assistants over her 18 years in the business. She sees a willingness to outwork others and a deep knowledge of the market as key qualities of a top producer.

“A top producer is a person who is always busy, always out doing showings and who is very knowledgeable,” Sachs Wong says. “It’s not necessarily a dollar amount because there are people, in my mind, who are top producers who maybe were the best of the best 20 years ago. They may have pulled back slightly, but they still have all of that knowledge and experience under their belts.”

Leonard has sold real estate for 13 years, and over that time her perspective of what it means to be a top producer has shifted.

“When I first started, the goal was just getting in front of as many people and closing as many deals as I could,” Leonard says. “Then it became much more service-based and making sure that we could guide our clients through every step of the transaction.”

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