All Michael Kors Collection
Number of years in real estate: 27
Describe your look: Professional, practical and pretty
What do you consider a “fashion don’t”? Poorly fitting clothing that hasn’t been altered properly
What is your favorite piece of clothing? A black sheath dress. It’s the most versatile item I own. I can wear it to a presentation, meeting with clients, cocktail event or charity lunch.
What do you consider a must-have accessory? Cardigans are the best! I have them in most colors to give my outfit a pop of color.
What is a fashion crime you have committed? Wearing chipped nail polish. Better off than half gone.
Where are your favorite places to shop? For years I’ve worked with Gregg from Michael Kors Collection. He’s really played an important role in shaping my wardrobe. He understands aesthetics and functionality.
What completes your look? A smile
What is in your bag/briefcase? Lip gloss and a tape measure
My closet is full of…Dresses! My schedule requires that simplicity.