It’s finally time to spill the beans on the survey formerly known as “Truth About Agents.” Like many of you, I participated in the survey anonymously, so just assume the highest income belongs to me.
As far as being a good person goes, Kim Murphy has 100 percent one-upped all of us by offering to donate a kidney to her friend’s daughter. I’ve got nothing funny to say about this amazing, selfless gesture. I wish I could do something like that, but I’ve enjoyed far too many cocktails in my life for my kidneys to be of any use.
Amy Pritchard and her husband Bryan were recently named one of Chicago’s real estate power couples by All power couples need a nickname, so let’s go ahead and refer to them as Bryamy from now on.
Two different new construction properties from The Sheahan Group have been used for three toothpaste commercials. I want to explain this further to you, dear readers, but sometimes the gossip just comes to me in random chunks and you get to do the filling-in.
Speaking of CONLON folks, the big man himself (Sean, of course) was spotted in Malibu with Chris Chelios. Oh, and I saw John Cusack was also hanging out with them…no big deal.
There’s a new association in town! The Association of South Asian Real Estate Professionals (ASARP, which may be the best acronym of them all) has formed, and Pradeep B. Shukla will be their fearless leader during his reign as president.
Also an exciting group, AREAA-Greater Chicago Chapter held their annual installation gala on Feb. 11 at Stan Mansion. The celebration included Bollywood dancing and tasty snacks.
On that same day, Baird & Warner decided to get with the times and trained their agents on how to use Instagram.
The wrists of the best @properties agents got really heavy on Feb. 15, as they held their annual Rolex Selection Party, where 50-plus top agents got to select a Rolex gift. They should’ve held the event before V-day so folks could give the watch to a loved one and pass it off as a gift…not that I’ve ever done such a thing.
On Feb. 17, CAR West Town held a meet and greet with Illinois Association of Realtors GADs on hand with updates on local issues. Can we stop with all the acronyms? That one stands for (local) Government Association Directors, in case a friend asks. If they ask you why it isn’t LGAD, distract them with a cocktail.
On Feb. 18, Baird & Warner held a company-wide party at Morgan MFG (yet another acronym) celebrating all their success in 2015. You should’ve seen all the Instagram posts that night!
Also on Feb. 18, CA held their annual Top Producers party! Nothing beats getting all those top folks in one room and picking their brains.
I’m light on birthdays, which is good because there isn’t much room left. David Kasprisin and Jill Hare share a birthday on Feb. 23, while Bill Diehl has a birthday on Feb. 25. Can’t I just share the dates? Do I have to fill every section with hilarity and wit? It’s cold today, and I just want put on my snuggie and watch “Million Dollar Listing.”