Welcome fair readers to my favorite issue of the year, as it speaks to a topic that is ever so close to my heart: luxury! From my 1,800-thread-count Egyptian sheets to my imported coffee from Cuba (embargo shmembargo), I absolutely live and breathe the finer things in life. I used to party with those models who wouldn’t get out of bed for less than $1 million, and thanks to their influence, I won’t take a listing for less than $2 million. I thought about listing the expensive items that I’m able to purchase with all of my luxury deals (like my castle in Italy and my Lamborghini), but I don’t want to rub it in anyone’s face, so let’s just get into the gossip, shall we?
After many, many years as the lead blonde with developer CMK, everyone’s pal Heather Gustafson made the move to @properties. More time near her new home in the suburbs, perhaps? Cadey O’Leary also felt like doing some moving and shaking, as she recently ditched BHHS for Jameson Sotheby’s. Sometimes, change can do a person good, am I right?
While we’re on the topic of expensive things, Barbara Matthopoulos has been simply dripping with diamonds and gems thanks to her new fiancé, who loves to spoil her. She also announced plans to leave CAR behind and head to greener pastures in Tampa to be with her future hubby. After eight years of being fabulous, CAR will have a tough time filling those pumps. I hope she waits until the winter, because summer is around the corner and that’s really the only time that Chicago is better than any city in Florida.
Lots of exciting sporting events are going on around town, and naturally, I have tickets to all of them. Hockey, basketball, the NFL draft – so many tickets to purchase, and so little time! Just recently I ran into Thad Wong, Steve McEwen and Jeff Benach at the big b-ball game in a little Chicago suburb known as Milwaukee. It’s always fun to nab tickets to the away game!
In non-sporting news, on April 23 I donated my time, face and money to the Real Estate Professionals for a Cause fundraiser to benefit Brides Against Breast Cancer. I did some fundraising schmoozing while I sipped on adult beverages and scarfed down gourmet hors d’oeuvres.
Speaking of busts (Get it? Yeah, I went there), on May 6, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage hosted a panel entitled “From Bust to Boom: Chicago’s State of the Market for Residential Housing.” The discussion focused on the opportunities and challenges of today’s residential housing market. Unfortunately, the panel began at 7:30 a.m., and that was just too early for me to attend; my sources, though, tell me it was very educational.
You thought there were a lot of birthdays in the last issue? Hold on to your hats, people. CA’s own man with the plan (and the paint brush), Jon Liebham, celebrated his big day on April 28, as did Tim Brigham (aka Batman – yes, my geeky informants saw you at C2E2!). Nancy Taylor and Steve McEwen partied on April 29 (not necessarily together), and Marty Winefield drank some birthday wine on April 30. Nicole Fabiano Oertel and her three names shared a May 2 birthday with Justin Lopatin, while Leslie Struthers, who often lands on my secret best-dressed list, looked pretty swell on her May 3 bday. On May 4, Frank Quintero celebrated, and be sure to wish Sam Powell a happy birthday on lucky number 7. You also shouldn’t forget about Anthony (no relation to Danny) DeVito on May 8, and Danielle Dowell and the double l’s on May 9. Katherine Sather escaped the birthday boom by being born on May 10, but go ahead and buy Mimi Harpur, Joe Caltabiano, Brett Decker and Jonathan McCulloch each something really special, considering they all have to share the same birthday on May 12.