A 23-year veteran of the mortgage lending industry, Anna Castillo-Martin is recognized for her brainstorming skills with peers, as well as her ability to guide newer home lending advisors. “Mentoring, leadership and collaboration comes naturally for me,” Castillo-Martin says. “I apply these same skills in my relationships with my clients while educating them and setting expectations early in the process.”
Chase-certified in FHA and VA loans, Castillo-Martin has expertise in the area of conventional and specialized lending programs, including those for low- to moderate-income borrowers or borrowers with a limited credit history. While many of her clients come through banking partners within Chase, she prioritizes cultivating and nurturing professional relationships with Southwest Michigan-area real estate agents, who in turn frequently refer clients her way. “I am very skilled in adapting to market changes,” she explains. “This is a strength that is tested often for lenders, especially within these past few years.”
Fluent in Spanish, Castillo-Martin started her career as a bookkeeper in the fast-paced restaurant industry, where she developed her attention to detail and skill in responding promptly. Her years of experience and knowledge of the business also help in building her confidence to take a fun and easygoing approach to her relationships with borrowers. “I do believe being social and friendly is instrumental in my success,” she says. “By being bilingual and having a deep knowledge of the industry, I’ve been able to help many people better understand the process.”
Castillo-Martin has enjoyed being involved in various philanthropic and charitable endeavors throughout the years. The King’s Table Ministries’ annual Christmas event, which helps families impacted by developmental and intellectual challenges throughout Grand Rapids, is especially close to her heart.