Whether dealing with first-time homebuyers or someone buying their second, third or vacation home, Scott Schneiderman is licensed in 38 states to make his clients’ homeownership goals a reality.
The Chicagoland-based lender first got his start in the mortgage industry 25 years ago after planting roots in the area. Being a part of the local community has allowed him to expand his network over the years while increasing his knowledge of the local market.
Today, Schneiderman leads a team of agents he’s able to delegate to. The support he receives from his team allows him to be available and responsive to his clients and referral partners 24/7.
Describing his style as “organized chaos,” Schneiderman says adaptability is key in an industry like mortgage lending. “This is an industry and a market where every day is unpredictable and presents new obstacles and challenges,” he says. “I’m able to pivot easily, and I put trust in my team to be successful.”
Despite viewing 2023 as one of the most-challenging real estate markets since the 2008 crash, Schneiderman was able to achieve over $70 million in purchase volume. He also earned a spot in CrossCountry Mortgage’s Chairman’s Circle’s Club for the third year in a row and was recognized by Scotsman Guide as a top 1% loan originator in the country for the sixth year in a row.
Outside of work, Schneiderman supports Imerman’s Angels both monetarily and with his time.