Dave Nimick, Broker & Strategic Real Estate Consultant

Keller Williams

After almost 25 years in Chicago real estate, Dave Nimick has weathered some of the most memorable challenges in the real estate market. From the changes to the market and tone of American life in the wake of 9/11 to the mortgage meltdown of 2008, this nationally recognized real estate thought leader has had the experience and expertise to guide clients through the global pandemic, the runaway rise in interest rates last year and a very unpredictable 2024.

Nimick says that while it’s been a crazy few years, he sees some aspects of real estate that never change, regardless of the market. “More than anything, people just want to know what to expect, and would prefer to hear it from someone who has seen just about everything in real estate” he says. “They’d rather know the reality of the market and how best to handle it than just stick their heads in the sand.”

That’s why his solution-oriented, client-centric approach never goes out of style. “Clients want an agent who has been through numerous ups and downs in the real estate market — one who will recognize when tides are turning, can warn them about potential landmines or point out unrealized hidden upsides.” In this current and rapidly changing real estate climate, he believes, that approach has never been more important.

Nimick is very proud of the fact that his conversational, practical and data-driven approach has helped him become one of fewer than 100 Chicagoland agents to receive the prestigious Five Star Professional award for all 14 years it has existed. This award is given solely on the basis of outstanding client service.

Nimick proudly serves the North Shore, several other surrounding suburbs and many neighborhoods of Chicago.

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