Ana Garcia, Home Lending Adviser


For the past 12 years, Ana Garcia has transformed lives and communities, first as a relationship banker and then as a trusted home lending adviser at JPMorganChase. During the past year, her desire to make an even more meaningful impact on her clients’ lives was realized when she was named a member of the Home Lending Adviser Executive Advisory Board of JPMorganChase, which allows her to provide input into the company’s products and guidelines in a significant way. “Becoming part of the board means that I may provide my opinion on any product changes, guidelines and how to make the lending community at JPMorganChase more pleasurable,” explains Garcia. “The opportunity to become part of the board is huge because I can provide my opinion on changes within JPMorganChase that can truly make a difference.” This opportunity also underscores her commitment to shaping the future of lending, ensuring that every client receives the best possible service and support.

Garcia’s desire to make a meaningful impact on her community led her to transition to the lending business — she is driven by a passion to empower the Latino community with the knowledge and resources to achieve homeownership. Over the years, her dedication and expertise have earned her numerous accolades, including the prestigious National Achievers award at JPMorganChase for six consecutive years.

With a client base primarily built on referrals from Realtors, other JPMorganChase branches and satisfied customers, Garcia’s reputation for excellence precedes her. “I make sure to guide and treat everyone fairly so that they’re pleased with my service,” she says. “That way, they know that anyone who is referred to me will get the same treatment and that they’re in the right hands.”

As Garcia continues to help her clients’ dreams of homeownership come true, as well as shape the future of the lending business, her impact continues to expand. With a spirit of excellence guiding her, Ana Garcia embodies the true essence of a trusted adviser.

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