Alexandra Skowron -
Scott Steward and Jasmine Baynes -
Heather Gustafson and Nykea Pippion -
January Sambell, Brad Brondyke, Ken Crowder, Heather Gustafson and Alexandra Skowron -
January Sambell and Alexandra Skowron -
Heather Gustafson, Brad Brondyke and Ken Crowder -
Melanie Stone, Brett Decker, Becky Kirchner and Sanina Ellison -
Melanie Stone and Becky Kirchner -
Marki Lemon-Rykal and Evelyn Fred -
Becky Kirchner, Sam Powell and Christina Pinson -
Judy Gibbons -
Maurice Hampton -
Ryan Lee, Sean Bacon, Thomas Storino and Jason Hiller -
Jasmine Baynes -
Sean Bacon and Thomas Storino -
Sam Powell, Evelyn Fred and Heather Gustafson -
Tyler Tosch and Kimberly Furtek -
Deborah Francisque and Arlene Pryce -
Roland Gomez -
Erik Miles and Andrew Wendt -
Scott Steward, Kyle D. Garner and Marki Lemons-Ryhal -
January Sambell and Helen Mandel -
Alexandra Skowron -
Sanina Ellison and Antje Gehrken -
Heather Gustafson and Brad Brondyke
The Women’s Council of Realtors Chicago Chapter and CMK Realty hosted a CEO Bootcamp on Wednesday, Jan. 28. The event featured a panel of experts who discussed how to meet business goals in 2015.