Why pay dues?
Jim Haisler, CEO of the Heartland REALTOR®...
Two tools to build your online presence to get ...
Success requires a solid reputation, and getting...
What does the future hold for real estate?
Once again, we’ve assembled our annual panel...
How a coach can help you gain the skills to suc...
There is still ample opportunity in the...
In a market like we’ve seen over the last year, who would dare predict what lies ahead in 2023? While most of us ride the economic wave with all of its twists and turns, it’s the industry professionals in leadership positions who have to anticipate what’s next, when that change will take place and how best to adapt and thrive.
In our annual questionnaire, we hear from managing brokers, mortgage lenders, developers and more to get their prognostications on everything from what’s hot in the market to how prices, inventory and a myriad other factors shape their vision of the future. Read more from the issue here.