Welcome to the Clubhouse: Why are brokers flock...
Agents are swearing by the year-old Clubhouse...
Is technology helping or hurting us?
"Don't lose our in-person connections. Because as...
The trouble with appraisals: How the wild mark...
Homebuyers lucky enough to win a bidding...
Using the right tech to get in front of more cl...
"There is so much technology out there...
As we all slowly begin to navigate the post-pandemic world, we continue to grapple with the many changes that have emerged over the past year and half. Just about every industry was affected, and real estate was no exception. Personal meetings were replaced by video meetings and teleconferencing, the handshake became an elbow rub and virtual open houses often resulted in buyers’ purchasing properties sight unseen. While masks and social distance requirements may eventually fall by the wayside, much of the new real estate technology that has surfaced during the pandemic is likely to stick around for the foreseeable future. Read more from the issue here.