Mixing Realtors and Politics

by Chicago Agent

By Zipporah Porton

With elections around the corner on Tuesday, Nov. 2, it’s important for Realtors to pick the right candidate for the real estate industry. Whether you have a passion for politics or you’re barely paying attention to the race, it should be comforting to know that the Realtors Political Action Committee (RPAC) is working hard to make sure the candidates aren’t ignoring the importance of homeownership.

Dan Merrion, RPAC Chair for 2010, describes RPAC as Realtors coming together to look out for the common interest of the industry, and to make sure laws don’t impede the process of homeownership.

As a fourth-generation Realtor, Merrion felt it was important to get involved with the political side of the industry. “I love my job and what I do and I’m passionate about real estate, though times are tough,” he says. “We need to watch out for crazy laws that an individual or group proposes that could be harmful to the public in general; we’re there to protect the industry.”

This year, Merrion realized that CAR wasn’t tapping into the funds set aside for RPAC, and held an event to raise awareness and funds. Overall, RPAC uses these funds to support different politicians and offices running who have a homeownership agenda.

In this upcoming election, Merrion stresses that Realtors should look for a candidate who is going to support the industry and avoid a candidate who is going with a property tax increase. “Look for somebody who is out there for the homeowner and interested in finding new programs and new ways to increase homeownership and prevent problems with purchasing, financing and the foreclosure process,” says Merrion. “We want someone who will ease the pressures on the homeowners and the cost and find solutions for the problems that are currently out there.”

According to Merrion, these last few weeks before the election will be spent encouraging agents, and new homeowners, to vote. “We’re moving people into communities, and now we want to make sure they’re active participants in these communities by voting,” he says.

For more information on getting involved with RPAC and the “Realtor Party,” contact your local association.

Dan Merrion is an agent with City Point Realty. He can be reached at 312.255.1500 or by e-mail at dmerrion@citypointrealty.com.

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