Making it Work

by Chicago Agent

Aside from the fact that I work for a great publication and I get to write and edit interesting stories every day, there are many additional reasons I like where I work. First of all, I work with great people. Having been here for over two years now, I consider everyone in the office a friend as well as a colleague, and I am still in touch with the few who have come and gone. I also enjoy that the office is close to where I live and I can almost always find a parking spot; one parking ticket over two years isn’t half bad. Lastly, I enjoy my office environment because a few days a week I bring in a fuzzy mascot that prefers sleeping under my feet or playing fetch with a coworker during the day instead of feeling abandoned at home. 

It’s never easy to find a place where you want to work. Sometimes people love their job and hate their office, while others love their office and hate their job. In this day and age with jobs being few and far between and salaries sometimes sliced, it’s even more important to enjoy the place where you spend most of your days. 

Now, for Realtors this might not seem as important, because many of you will go weeks at a time without checking in at the office. However, I have met a number of Realtors that head to the office at least once a day, and many that like the in-house environment rather than working from home. Regardless, the pieces that make a real estate office appealing aren’t always just the lobby’s décor and the snack room – what agents really care about is things like office support, technology and the person in charge running the show. 

In our annual Best Offices issue, we’ve found a number of managing brokers out there who work hard at what they do in order to please anywhere from 25 to several hundred Realtors. If you’re thinking of making a move, or want to be reminded of why your company is the best spot for your needs, take a look and see what these offices have to offer. From accessible parking to a managing broker that creates an unforgettable environment, the reasons you select an office are yours and yours alone, so choose wisely.

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