Keith GilesManaging Broker/CEOWeichert, Realtors Frankel & Giles
Hard work is the most important skill in life and business.
The Facts
How many years have you been a managing broker? 10
How many years have you been in real estate? 25
How many full time agents are in your office? 21 full-time agents, 12 part-time
The Details
Does your office have any specialties? We specialize in the South Loop. We’ve been located here since the mid 1990s and have sold and developed many buildings in the neighborhood. However, we assist clients in most Chicagoland neighborhoods.
What kind of marketing assistance do you provide? We have both a talented in-house marketing coordinator and graphic designer who provide free assistance to all of our agents.
What do you expect of your agents? We are flexible with office hours and offer “virtual floor time.” We encourage our agents to attend our sales meetings, which are informative and interactive. While we do not have official sales quotas, we work to assist agents excel and provide a high volume of leads to help them produce at their maximum potential.
Do you hold regular meetings? We hold sales meetings twice a month and attendance is required.
How do you get new agents acclimated to the company? We have a a mentor program that offers new agents personalized training. For experienced agents, our office manager and director of sales provides them with an orientation. We also created an ambassador program this year to offer select agents the ability to share their expertise. It has been well received and has benefited the company and agents.
What kind of training do you provide? Weichert University is offered to all of our agents. It is online, which allows them to train at their own leisure. We also offer all agents joining our team a
“Fast Track” training course at no charge, which is a two-day intense training on Weichert systems and day-to-day interaction with clients.
What support does your executive leadership provide? We offer an open door policy, which allows agents easy access to owners and management.
About You — Keith Giles
What was your history before being a managing broker? I was a banker and then a developer, focusing on the South Loop.
What kind of training do you have? I have an MBA in finance and 25 years in real estate, banking, development, construction and sales.
What do you like most about the neighborhood where you work? We were an integral part of the South Loop’s development, and as a result we have an insider’s view and understanding of the market. It is rewarding to see how far the neighborhood has come and to participate in the ongoing evolution of the community.
What is your favorite part about being a managing broker? The new and fun people who have joined us and watching them grow and succeed with the Weichert systems.