Yuval DeganiPresidentDream Town Realty
You cannot do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and be in business tomorrow
The Facts
How many years have you been a president? 12
How many years have you been in real estate? 12
How many full-time agents are in your office? 159
The Details
Does your office have any specialties? We have the most advanced hardware, online tools and technology available in real estate today. We also have in-house massages and yoga.
What kind of marketing assistance do you provide? Our full-time marketing and specialty web marketing departments offer the best web exposure in the city for listings. We also have luxury sales and condo development programs, plus in-house production of marketing materials, IT staff and 48-hour turnaround. Everything is free.
What do you expect of your agents? We expect exceptional service, availability and responsiveness to clients, integrity, reliability and honest business practices. How are you approaching the challenges of the current market? We are expanding our online presence to reach more buyers, bringing on more short sale and foreclosure specialists, and we are giving agents more opportunities to attend industry seminars and see national speakers.
How are you approaching the challenges of the current market? We are expanding our online presence to reach more buyers, bringing on more short sale and foreclosure specialists, and we are giving agents more opportunities to attend industry seminars and see national speakers.
How do you get new agents acclimated to the company? We have a full new agent program that provides one-on-one support, from phone and e-mail setup to training classes on a variety of topics and systems. We also have a transition team that ensures new agents hit the ground running.
What kind of training do you provide? We offer free in-house continuing education courses, which agents need to maintain their licenses, and have a full-time director of training. We have three levels of classes that range from real estate 101 for new agents to best practice forums for top producers.
What support does your executive leadership provide? Along with my team of managers, I try to be as involved in the agents’ “day-to-day” as necessary. I personally answer their questions, offer advice for tricky transactions and bounce ideas off them for ways to improve and develop our company.
About You — Yuval Degani
What makes you different than any other president? I am very hands-on with the company. I know every single agent very well—all 159 of them—and I make sure they all know my door is always open to talk about the smallest detail of every transaction. Agents know they can call me on a Saturday night when they are in the middle of negotiations. From newer agents who need basic advice to top producers who want to talk strategy; everyone is treated the same way.
What was your history before being a managing broker? I was in the bicycle business. My partner and I started “Bike Chicago,” the city’s first bicycle rental business, and built it up to have several locations. We then got into automated bike rentals. He still owns and operates it to this day.
What kind of training do you have? My background is in advertising and marketing.
Why do you love real estate? It’s a face-paced, ever-changing industry that demands excellence and forward-thinking. We have to work together to succeed individually and make advances that benefit the entire company. I love that collaboration and striving to be one step ahead of the competition.
Why do you love real estate? It’s an industry full of surprises and challenges, no day is the same.