The Lothamer Group

The Lothamer Group

With over 21 years of combined experience in real estate, the Lothamer Group has an established reputation and the sales record to back it up. The team of three handles a range of clients, from first-time buyers to seasoned investors. Team leader Elizabeth Lothamer says she is proud of the group she has formed. “My biggest accomplishment was creating an amazing team where we all work very well together and can play off each others’ strengths,” she says. “It can be challenging to find people that have similar drive and ambition and, after going through several assistants and other agents, I now have an amazing team and I am very proud of our group.” Lothamer works with broker associates Evelyn Scott-Clifford and Marta Romeo-Waliszewska. The Chicago Association of Realtors has recognized the team’s consistent good work and has named the Lothamer Group a top producer for the past three years.

Each member of the Lothamer Group has also gained valuable experience with investment properties and development in their personal lives. Lothamer recently purchased a single-family home in North Center through her own Lothamer Development Company. It will be the first luxury home in her development portfolio and will showcase her design skills. Scott-Clifford listed and quickly sold her condo and her fiancee’s condo last year, and bought a house. Romeo-Waliszewska recently finished her attic and did half of the work herself, she says, giving her some firsthand experience to leverage when clients ask about fixer-uppers. The team members are also involved in several charities.

The members of the Lothamer Group say they owe their success to their hard work and dedication. “We analyze the needs of each client and determine the best agent on the team to handle that transaction.” They also say that their clients love their tailored service and appreciate the time they take to walk them through the process. “Clients value our detailed approach and expertise in areas from accurate pricing of properties to helping them with all aspects of the transaction including design consultation, staging and assisting them with managing repairs or renovations.”

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