Ryan Collins and Jack Matos (Proper Title) -
Michael Delrahim (Brown, Udell, Pomerantz & Delrahim), Nat Lawrence (Lawrence, Morris & Maldonado) and Gael Morris (Lawrence, Morris & Maldonado) -
Melissa Siegal (@properties), Melissa Siegal (@properties) and Chloe Ifergan (@properties) -
Mark Rotblatt (@properties) and Chloe Ifergan (@properties) -
Melissa Siegal (@properties),and Lindsey Delrahim (@properties) -
Kim Rowan (Mueller Law Group), Sam Shiel (Proper Title) and Ryan Collins -
Chloe Ifergan (@properties) and Mark Keppy (@properties) -
Braeden Schaefer (Renovo Financial), Melissa Siegal (@properties), Vitaliy Polyakov (Proper Title) and Cody Robbins (Renovo Financial) -
Braeden Schaefer (Renovo Financial) and Mark Keppy (@properties) -
Angela Nunez (Proper Title) and Mary Kunz (Proper Title)
Proper Title, the second-largest title insurance agency in Illinois, held an open house for their new downtown office on April 6 from 4 to 6 p.m.