Throughout 2007, Century 21 Pro-Team’s sales associates were involved in a year-long charitable effort designed to benefit local Easter Seals recipients. As a result of their work, Century 21 Pro-Team has announced that they have exceeded their 2007 donation goal of $50,000 and earned one of the top spots on the coveted Top 21 list for Easter Sales donations among Century 21 offices worldwide.
Century 21 Pro-Team president, Chuck Dinolfo, vice-president and CFO, Ruta Susinskas, along with Jackie Medows, the company’s 2007 Easter Seals chairperson, will be honored at several upcoming industry events for their efforts during 2007 in support of children with autism and other special needs in the Chicagoland area.
Century 21 Pro-Team’s 2007 Easter Seals charitable effort was funded through various events including a Candlelight Bowl, the EasterSeals Walk With Me event and the 21K Marketing Program.