Kimberly Chase-Harding, Liz Brooks, Gloria Materre and Michelle Passariello -
Brooke Bohnker, Lindsey Epley and Haylee Schwartz -
Jeff Steinberg, James Pieczonka, Mike Pieczonka and Renee Lewis -
Lori Murray -
Renee Lewis, Asya Muhammad -
Michelle Passariello, Haylee Schwartz, Kimberly Chase-Harding, Lindsey Epley, Liz Brooks, Brooke Bohnker, Jeff Steinberg and Gloria Materre -
Mike Pieczonka, Kristen Coultas and Paul Smith -
Nancy Gardner and Kay Bowman
Belgravia Group hosted an event on Guaranteed Rate’s rooftop at 3940 North Ravenswood Ave. to show appreciation for local brokers and offer them an opportunity to network and learn about Belgravia’s current offerings. Guaranteed Rate’s Jeff Steinberg co-sponsored the event.