RE/MAX NEXT has announced the launch of the NEXT Charitable Fund to provide twice-a-year contributions to Chicago nonprofits, according to a press release.
The fund was conceptualized by Mike Opyd, president and owner of RE/MAX NEXT, and co-owner Alejandro Trujillo, and will direct contributions to Chicago-based charities addressing issues that impact the city.
The fund’s first contribution goes to Chicago HOPES for Kids, a nonprofit which offers educational resources and encouragement for children living in shelters. The next contributions will come in June and again in December.
“We are excited and fortunate to launch the NEXT Charitable Fund as a way to invest in and strengthen our community,” Opyd said. “Our goal is to be part of the solution and support local organizations who tackle the difficult issues facing our city. As we continue to grow, so will our impact.”
More information about RE/MAX NEXT is available at