What Makes Chicago a Great City for Real Estate Agents

by Peter Thomas Ricci


Chicagoland may have fallen on the lower end of the spectrum in WalletHub’s new ranking of 2016’s best cities for real estate agents – the Windy City placed 130 out of 150 – but there remain many positives in the area’s market that will aid agent business in 2016.

WalletHub’s study considered a number of factors, including: sales per agent; annual median wage for agents; unemployment rate; home turnover rate; days on market; and building permit activity. Then, it combined those factors into two metrics – “Job Opportunity & Competition” and “Real Estate Market Heat” – and ranked metro areas in each category, with the areas’ ultimate placing coming from a weighting of those rankings; for the jobs metric, Chicago came in at No. 111, while for the market heat metric, it placed at No. 126.

What’s in a Ranking?

Of course, any ranking of the nation’s housing markets is inherently subjective, and there are many positive trends right now in Chicagoland’s housing market, including:

So despite WalletHub’s rankings, there is much to be optimistic about in Chicagoland’s housing market.

For a broader perspective on WalletHut’s study, here is how some of the nation’s largest metro areas ranked:

City Total Score “Job Opportunity & Competition” Rank “Real Estate Market Heat” Rank
Denver 57.7 3 6
Seattle 54.24 39 3
Austin 53.8 43 2
San Francisco 51.68 8 25
Boston 49.82 6 42
Houston 44.31 94 4
New York 42.77 7 119
Los Angeles 42.02 46 76
Atlanta 40.48 147 12
Dallas 39.45 113 39
Chicago 32.01 111 126
Miami 31.56 142 109

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