Before I address the mortgage industry, I’d like to point out Chicago Agent’s brand new design. Take a second to flip to the front cover and really look at what our art director Kevin has done to give CA a whole new look for 2010. The only staff member who was a part of the first issue of CA (aside from our publishers) seven years ago, Kevin was eager to take a crack at updating the magazine.
This is the second issue that boasts our new design, and Kevin really did a masterful job at giving the magazine a new image and feel. Just like the industry, we’re ready to head into the next decade with a fresh look and new attitude. If you have a moment, please drop us a line and let us know what you think. The CA staff is always available to our readers, and we love your questions and comments. Send me an e-mail at, or visit our Network site at and share your comments with our whole network.
Now that I’ve properly addressed the great work that Kevin has done, I can focus on the issue at hand: the mortgage industry. Some agents are deeply involved with the mortgage side of deals, while others prefer to step aside completely and let loan officers take over. To some, the mortgage process is one of the most confusing and frustrating parts of the business, and, unfortunately, it’s not getting any easier.
In this year’s Mortgage issue, we decided to do things a little differently. We went directly to agents and had them pose a burning question to their favorite mortgage professional, and we’ve printed the questions and answers in our cover story. This way, we are addressing the topics that Realtors really want to know about in an effort to help them continue to grow their business.
You’ll find 10 different questions in our cover story that focus on a variety of topics, and we have also provided tips on how to make the appraisal process run smoothly, as that’s another mini thorn in the side of Realtors these days.
In times like these when the real estate industry is constantly shifting, it helps to work with mortgage professionals and other knowledgeable individuals that can get deals done. Now is the perfect time to think of any questions or problems you might have had in the recent past, or instances where having the right answers might’ve saved the deal. Post the questions on our Network site, or just give your mortgage partner a call and get the answer; chances are if you don’t, the question will come up again and again.