Goodbye to 2009!

by Chicago Agent

Here we are at the official end of 2009, and this has been a doozy of a year. This is the last issue of Chicago Agent for 2009, and we’ve covered the ups and downs of the industry every other week since January. Regardless of what the market was doing week after week, we strived to bring you the important news and tips on making your business a success. 

We are excited to bring you a new, year-end issue that aims to catch our readers up on everything that has happened in the real estate world throughout the year. From new offices opening to home builders plummeting, we’ve got it all. 

Like all of our issues, we hope to inform, entertain and get the industry talking. Much of the reports on individual brokerages, lenders and developers came from the companies themselves, but we also added tidbits here and there from our readers and from the headlines. Since real estate often reflects what is going on in the world, we’ve added a timeline of newsworthy events to remind you of the some of the big changes that went down inside and outside of the industry. 

As the holidays approach, this is the perfect time to reflect on the year that has passed, and then learn from what worked and what did not. No need to dwell on the past, so when you’re through, just brush 2009 aside to prepare for 2010. Whether you had a great year of business or couldn’t even sell one unit, everything can start fresh in 2010. 

Relax and enjoy the holiday season with friends and family, or enjoy some alone time to unwind before moving forward to create the best 2010 possible. 

Chicago Agent wishes you and yours a happy holiday season.

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