Happy Holidays!

by Chicago Agent

Every year, I hope that it will never come, but then the icky weather inevitably rears its ugly head. This is my third Chicago winter, and every year I forget what it’s like when the temperature drops and the wet snow falls. Thanks to two weekends of frozen hands and an icy nose, I have vowed not to attend any more college football games in November. That is, at least not until my team starts doing well again.

The good thing about the winter is that the holidays are approaching. It’s been a doozy of a year, and so it will be nice to have some days to curl up and enjoy hot chocolate with family, friends or even on your own, and just relax. This is also a great time to reflect on the past year, and decide what worked and what didn’t. Before you make a New Year’s resolution, you have to take the time to reflect on what actually needs to change.

The end of the year is also the perfect time to reevaluate the place where you work. Are you getting everything you need from your office and your managing broker? They are here to help and provide necessary support, so if you don’t even know who your managing broker is, then you might have a problem. Thus, our last issue of the year is the fitting time to display Chicagoland’s best offices.

Inside our cover story, we’ve highlighted some of the top offices around, and found out directly from the managing brokers what they have to offer both new and experienced agents. From the office space to the parking situation, every office is different, and it’s your job to figure out what is the best fit for you.

As you eat your Christmas goose, Chanukah latkes, Kwanzaa gumbo or just some good ol’ mac n’ cheese, take the time to reflect on 2008. There is a lot to look forward to in 2009, including a brand-new president taking over the White House, which could bring a whole slew of positive changes. After you’ve looked back and thought about what worked and what didn’t, then look forward. The future is what you make of it, so make it great!

This is our last issue of 2008, and we’d like to thank you all for a great year. We’ve had some really exciting issues that couldn’t have been possible without your help. Look for our first issue of 2009 to come out Jan. 19, along with the second edition of our ever-popular Real Data book.

Happy holidays everyone! I’ll see you in 2009.

Zipporah Porton is senior editor of Chicago Agent and Miami Agent magazines. A native of Champaign, she has been writing professionally for more than 10 years. In additon to a Masters in Fine Arts degree in playwriting from the University of Southern California, Zipporah brings both enthusiasm for the real estate industry and rich publishing experience. Send comments and questions to zipporah@chicago.staging312.com.

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