Baird & Warner
Fox Valley
Number of years in real estate:
2 years
Describe your look:
Business petite
What do you consider a “fashion don’t”?
I try to avoid VPL (visible panty lines) and the socks-with-sandals look.
What is your favorite piece of clothing and why?
I love black skirts, they can dress up or dress down for any occasion.
What do you consider a must-have accessory?
Diamond earrings
What is a fashion crime you have committed in the past?
Bobbie socks with high heels, Madonna-style, in the 80s. I think I’ve destroyed all the evidence.
Where are your favorite places to shop?
Carson Pirie Scott and Von Maur
What, besides your wardrobe, completes your look?
Perfume — Victoria’s Secret “Heavenly”
Jacket and Skirt-Kasper
Blouse-S.L.B. Petite
Shoes-Kenneth Cole
Purse-Kenneth Cole