Toni Spena
RE/MAX Superior Properties
Huntley, Ill.
What was your first job in the realty industry?
It was as a Realtor but, prior to this, I used to help family and friends.
Who inspires you?
Family, friends and Pat!
What is your favorite free-time activity?
I really enjoy listening to music.
How did you learn the business?
Lots of classes and applying what was taught to later implement what worked
What was the last good movie you saw or book you read?
Toss up between “The Millionaire Real Estate” and “Everybody Wins”
What is your favorite restaurant?
Francesca’s Campagna in West Dundee
Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Chicago?
My favorite building in Chicago would have to be the Chicago Tribune Tower.
What kind of car do you drive?
BlackBerry, Palm or paper?
Definitely Palm; I can’t imagine being with out it.
What is your favorite city after Chicago?
Atlantic City
What is your personal motto?
It can be done; there are only challenges in life.
In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new
to the industry?
You never know too much; always be willing to learn.