Gene Molloy
What was your first job in the realty industry?
My first “job” in the realty industry was learning what to do after you passed the licensing exam. The trainer at my first brokerage handed me Vol. 1 of a Floyd Wickman training video series and told me to watch and learn. I knew then I would have to figure it out for myself.
Who inspires you?
I derive my inspiration from many people, places and things. I believe that sooner or later, you have to realize that everything out there is unfolding for your benefit. You just have to tune in.
Favorite free-time activity?
Road tripping; I love to drive.
How did you learn the business?
Learning the business is an on going process. I participate in online communities such as Real Talk and e-PRO Talk. I keep an eye on other business people I come in contact with. That’s a real learning experience. There are good examples and perfectly good bad examples. I learn from them both.
Last good movie you saw, book you read?
The last movie I saw was “King Kong” and the last book I read was “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent,” neither of which impressed me too much. My favorite movie is “The Usual Suspects” and my recommended reading list includes “The Eight New Rules of Real Estate” by John Tuccillo.
Favorite restaurant?
Jimmy’s on Rand Road in Des Plaines
Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Chicago?
I think that The Archdiocese of Chicago owns some of the most architecturally interesting buildings in Chicago. Would you like to hear my opinion on that?
Kind of car you drive?
That depends on the weather and my mood. I own a pristine 1989 Jaguar XJS V12. It is a real “Made in England” Jaguar, not one of those Ford products you see everybody driving around in today. My everyday car is a 2005 Hyundai Tuscon.
Blackberry, Palm or paper?
Palm and paper. Aren’t Blackberries endorsed by the National Association of Eye Doctors?
Favorite city, after Chicago.
Palm Harbor, Fla. Start from the center of town and go west. You will walk into the Gulf of Mexico. Start from the center of town and go east. You will walk into Tampa Bay. It’s about 10 minutes either way.
What is your personal motto?
Real estate is my lifestyle, not my job.
In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry?
Brand yourself and market you, not the corporate franchise.